Timber frame hybrid designs are becoming more popular for the simple fact that many people only want a few timbers within their project, or only want to highlight a certain area or room. This can be accommodated to fit your inspirations for your project to a vast number of options! Take a look at the sample of timber truss designs for vaulted areas – these are just a few ideas, and the configurations can be modified to suit your tastes.
- Curved Bottom Chord Truss
- Flat Bottom Chord Truss
- Raised Bottom Chord Truss
- Scissor Truss
There are a variety of ways to incorporate these timbers into your conventional build: pre-construction planning is a must, however. Considerations for vapour barrier, ceiling finishes, tie-ins with the stick frame elements and mechanical/electrical all must be planned for- you cannot just “throw” the timbers in at any time. Installation of these elements goes hand-in-hand with regular framing and coordination with other trades is paramount.
If you would like to have a much closer, intimate feeling within certain areas, a mixture of posts/beams may be the route you would like to consider – again, here the options are endless. Included below are a couple other examples of what can be done on the flat levels, whether it is the first floor, or your roof if you are not looking for a vaulted look.
- Hybrid Options – Full First Floor
- Hybrid Options – Partial First Floor
We can texture the beams in a number of ways – rough sawn (both headsawn and bandsawn), a hand-adzed look, raised grain, or planed and sanded smooth. We can also distress the timbers to make them look much older and recycled! We have a number of species of wood to access as well – local pine/spruce and cedar/fir from BC. If you would like to incorporate other unique woods, such as walnut/cherry or something similar to that, we can help you with that as well!